中文字幕无码黑人一区二区三区_婷婷丁香国语自产拍在线观看_日产中文字幕在线视频一区二区三区_天堂国产 人 综合 亚洲欧美

Technological strength

The company has more than technology and the highest profile full business Web: Swedish sauna full business web and Japan KOMORI business web, Chinese business web, 1 liter of sheet paper double-sided multi-color offset printing machine, nearly 20 sets of single sheet fed multi-color offset press, nearly 20 sets of high speed rotary offset machine, 6 sets of CTP direct publishing machine, 2 sets of high-speed automatic laminating machine, 2 sets of high-speed automatic polishing machine, 7 Karl booth, Martini precision up to the advanced international brand adhesive binding line, the 6 Heidelberg international advanced brand riding line, a high speed precision assembly line of imported KOLBUS, Shanghai Gauss the tower at 6 taiwan.

The company's annual production capacity is: Book Printing 3 million 500 thousand paper order, color printing 22 million color order, binding 3 million 600 thousand paper order.

Hunan Tianwen Xinhua Printing,Periodical,Children's books,Art and music,Life and leisure,Newspaper,textbook,Hardcover productsHunan Tianwen Xinhua Printing,Periodical,Children's books,Art and music,Life and leisure,Newspaper,textbook,Hardcover products

陆河县| 叙永县| 阿图什市| 湾仔区| 凉山| 工布江达县| 扎赉特旗| 元阳县| 琼中| 琼海市| 白水县| 阜康市| 达日县| 武城县| 正蓝旗| 萨迦县| 永修县| 布拖县| 纳雍县| 静安区| 康乐县| 海原县| 郓城县| 深圳市| 定陶县| 梁平县| 临武县| 台中县| 丹凤县| 夏津县| 巨野县| 伊通| 资源县| 镇沅| 育儿| 宁武县| 林周县| 长子县| 连平县| 鹤岗市| 丹寨县|